Map Based Reporting
Our experience with map-based reporting has historically covered two core areas:
- Reporting geographically-based faults or issues; and
- Map overlays to analyse information.
Map-based Fault Reporting
We have developed and deployed systems for map-based fault reporting that have been in daily use by members of the public and local government call centres for almost 10 years. Some of these systems include over 500,000 assets which interface directly into third party engineering and management systems.
As we have already developed our own tool set for this use, we are able to offer a broad range of customised fault reporting services without the need to charge for development. We only charge a minimal set up fee plus monthly support, hosting and management fees.
Potential applications include: railways, infrastructure assets, highways maintenance, street lighting and risk mitigation.
Map-based Analysis
Getting a literal overview of where and how your assets are being used can be helpful in fast-changing landscapes. We can work with large data sets to produce meaningful geographical reporting that can be filtered and generated on the fly by the user.